Friday, October 14, 2005

Good Reminders

Thought that this post from House Church Blog was very good. Check it out by clicking the title of this post.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

An Apostolic Church?

I've been thinking...

I don't think the ancient church grew the way we think it grew; in the way we reinterpret their growth through cell mutiplication etc. It seems to me that the church expanded as apostles were sent out from the church to other cities and regions.

I think of passages like Acts 10 (Cornelius's House), Acts 20 (Ephesian Church) etc., where Peter and Paul both go from house to house proclaiming Christ and making disciples.

I think of John Wesely's circuit preachers. His classes didn't multiply themselves as much as his preachers started new ones all the time.

The "local" church focused mostly on building Spirit-directed, agape-filled community and serving the local needs of the city. They did this because they were fulfilling their calling to love God with all their hearts and love one another as Christ loved them. They wanted to share the Gospel in deed and word. From within these same communities, apostles were called to be sent out to other cities and regions to spread the word and build more communities.

I truly wish that I could do this.

The Ancients?

I've really been desiring to get in touch with a more ancient, authetically structured spirituality. Been thinking of experimenting a lot more with creating sacred space through silence, candles, scents, meditation and structured prayer. I'm thinking of developing a set of core Truths and Patterns with Jesus as the organizing principle. What does a heart hungry for Jesus look like?

A Place to Discuss Spirituality

I've decided to return to this blog and revive it. This will be the forum where I discuss thoughts on spirituality, church, ministry, apostolics etc.

Hope a few people will pick up on this and dialogue with me.

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