Saturday, June 21, 2003

Balance or Creative Tension?

I hate the word balance. I'm trying to delete it from my vocabulary. It's just that I happen to associate the word with lukewarm, dispassionate, plain...boring! I know...I know! People are on the constant search for balance. Ever since Mr. Miyagi told Daniel Larruso about balance in Karate Kid 1, my generation has been searching for it with mild success. Those who succeed look...bored.

I think I prefer the concept of creative tension. Like in my previous entry, will it be production or spirit? Can I have His presence while being a stickler (please don't read it as Stifler, Stifmesiter whatever!) for excellence and an advocate for the unchurched/overchurched bias? Now that's creative tension!

Don't go for a balanced life. Those of you who think Jesus led a balanced life have been deceived by those who think that life is a ladder with our priorities neatly resting in order upon each rung. That's a bunch of modernistic crap! Look at his life again and you'll see the extreme. Jesus lived hard. Played hard. Partied hard. Served hard. Laughed hard. Wept hard. Died hard. And lived hard...again!

He was the extreme of man and God...grace and truth...justice and mercy. That's not balance. That's creative tension.

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