Thursday, September 09, 2004

More Thoughts from the Purple Cow

No one is going to eagerly adapt to your product. The vast majority of consumers are happy. Stuck. Sold on what they’ve got. They’re not looking for a replacement, and they don’t like adapting to anything new. You don’t have the power to force them to.
- Seth Godin, Purple Cow

Doesn't Seth sound like he is describing the attitude that most of the world has towards Christianity? How do we deal with that? Here's more of Seth...

The only chance you have is to sell to people who like change, who like new stuff, who are actively looking for what it is you sell. Then you hope that the idea spreads, moving from early adopters to the rest of the curve. After the early adopters embrace what you’re selling, they are the ones who will sell it to the early majority – not you. (SG)

What implications does this reality present to the way we are trying to reach the world? How does this impact the way we influence people for Christ? I think that for most of the post-consumption world, mass evangelism is dead.

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